Friday, October 10, 2008

I took this from a blog that I read everyday:
They adopted a little boy Dennis from Ukraine earlier this year, he has lots of brothers and sisters to play with and I really enjoy this blog.

"Soooooo, today I challenge you to bake something yummy and take it to a neighbor or someone who would least expect it. It could be a co-worker, one of your kids' teachers, the mailman, a homeless person on a street corner, it doesn't matter who, it is the act that counts. I would even challenge you to take it a step further and pray for the person who receives this baked goody. Something simple like, "God, I pray that you watch out for this person today and help them through any struggles they may be having."I not only challenge you... I dare you."

I cheated a little bit, since we are in Ukraine and we had to go to court today I didn't have time to bake something. So I bought a big package of cookies and took it to Vasya's orphanage and gave it to his classmates for a snack. I will definately be praying for them, as they are all sweet adorable kids who deserve a forever family. So Now I dare each one of you to do this today or tomorrow, and if you have a blog spread the dare! If you take the dare post a comment telling me what you did.


Blogger junglemama said...

Thanks for spreading the dare!

12:59 PM, October 10, 2008  
Blogger Kimbell and Mark said...

yes - court - FINALLY!!! That's one more big step you can cross off of your list!

7:28 PM, October 11, 2008  

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