Thursday, October 09, 2008

Day 45 Thursay October 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is my Dad's birthday, I didn't think we would still be here. Oh Well, my family will be enjoying Whimp's spagetti dinner while we are tucked into bed sleeping. We were able to skype my Dad's cell phone and talk to him for twenty minutes or so. It only cost 28 cents. It is amazing, and we were able to hear him better than if we were at home calling him, and he was in a tractor at the time. Thanks to Holly and my Mom for setting up the skype phone thing for us-it wouldn't work from here.

Today we mixed things up a big, we visited Sasha first. Vanya went with us to explain things about court to the boys. Sasha and Jeff played game boy, he is very funny with the racing games, he crashes into everything. I had a bad headache most of the day. I think my neck was out of place from that crazy bus ride yesterday. It was really nice out so I rested in the sun on a picnic table. I stayed at Vasya's only long enough to have Vanya explain things to him, it seems the other family has sent someone to talk to him. It mades me sad (and mad) that while we follow all the rules, they don't and then we have to fix everything-especially for the boys. Sasha was upset when they had someone call him, his teacher said he wasn't sleeping well because he was worried they would take him away from us and Matthew. Vasya is a bit confused because of all the things they told him which aren't true, Vanya spent some time with him explaining the facts. Thank you Vanya for you patience and honesty, we could never work with someone who outright lies to children and manipulates everyone in their paths.
Thank you God for granting us the patience to get through all of this, Please bless us with the knowledge and the words to get through court tomorrow morning. Lord please bless the other family with the strength to do what is right and to peacefully leave these three brothers to grow up together.
We aren't that worried about court tomorrow, mostly worried about getting Matthew to behave that early. He has been sleeping in late since we arrived in Odessa and we need to leave pretty early. If you happen to be up around 1 am central time, say a quick prayer for us.

Things may seem frustrating for us, but check out this blog: See their Oct 9 post. The judges in Columbia are on strike. In Colombia you get custody right away so this family may be stuck there until after the new year.
Some of you may be hearing from us now that we have the skype to phone thing figured out!


Blogger Diana said...

I'll be sending some prayers your way. Blessings to you as you go to court. I pray the officials will see fit to leave your boys together...and that you can speedily come home!

10:07 PM, October 09, 2008  
Blogger Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

I just got an email from LSS of MN this morning saying that neither adopting parents nor social workers should go to Colombia right now due to the strike. Dulcie (from Handsome Manny) has one year of maternity leave. As much as we loved our time there, we were happy to be home with our family and friends. And throwing our tp in the toilet instead of the garbage and coffee that doesn't make you choke because it's so strong. I can't imagine being there as long as they are going to be. But I can't imagine leaving my child down there while I waited here, either.

You're getting closer. Glad Matthew was good! Did you ever email the other family? When does the lawsuit go to court? Is that next week?

Murphy is saying meow now. You have to know what she's saying or you'd never be able to understand it!

Love ya.

5:40 AM, October 10, 2008  
Blogger Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Just read your email and you answered my questions.

5:46 AM, October 10, 2008  

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