Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Go here and read the Wolff's post about "The Lie." David hit the nail right on the head with this post. We pray that their "problem" is resolved quickly, their girls are great and we can't wait to get to know them better since they only live about 15 miles from us.

We have seen a bit of mood changes with Vasya but since we can't communicate very well with him it is hard to tell if he is just tired, moody or just being a teenager. He seems to know that there is so much more available to him but perhaps because he has only spent a few years in the internat.


Blogger Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Cara, you've heard this from me before but reading "The Lie" makes me understand even more that I've lived "The Lie". He didn't come from the Ukraine. He came from Highmore. And "The Lie" drug my name through the mud and caused hard feelings that will last forever. In his eyes, I was never as good as his mother, even though she was the worst mother on earth. And I picked up the pieces every time she screwed him over. Am I bitter towards him, her, and the people that blamed me for his troubles? Yes. But I had no clue as to "The Lie" before I lived it. You do. You know what to look for. If you go into this with the attitude that the Wolff's have, you'll be fine.

6:51 AM, October 08, 2008  

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