Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 26 Saturday
Today was about the same as yesterday, we have been trying to call Vasya on his phone but I am guessing his battery died. So we will try again tomorrow. We visited Sasha today, it was warmer so it wasn't so bad outside. One of Sasha's classmates Ola, loves Matthew. She chases him around, tries to carry him but she won't let him and even plays with sticks with him.

If Matthew behaves himself on the bus ride to Sasha's and back we let him pick out an ice cream treat at the Cirpo(the store acrossed the street). They cost about 25 cents and he loves them. Tonight he offered me a bite of a chocolate covered chocolate thing on stick. It was cream cheese-not ice cream, no wonder he likes them so much. Maybe he will put on a few pounds with all the cream cheese.

Sasha loves the gameboy that Grandma Lynne sent with us, I only bring it once in a while because he does nothing but play it and all the rest of the kids flock around me trying to get a turn. Today I let his classmates takes turns playing with Matthew's, Celeste I see one in your future-Nadya loved. She was mad when I told her give it to Dosha.


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