Monday, November 03, 2008

November is National Adoption Month.

Yesterday Michelle went to visit Vera in the hospital. Vera is sharing a room with a three year old orphan boy. Michelle said he was tiny and just laid in his bed. Can you imagine being three, being sick and having no one to take care of you, no one to visit you in the hospital, no one to tell you that everything will be ok? Thankfully the Lord put Vera in this little boys path, even though she is sick herself she has been helping this little guy. Thinking about this little guy puts a lump in my throat and not just because it is a sad thing but because Matthew spent his first year alone in a Ukrainian hospital with no one to love him, hold him or comfort him. Think about all the other kids who are alone right now-not just in Ukraine. I read somewhere that if just 2% of Christians would adopt just one baby, toddler, child or teenager there would be no more orphans left in the world. Adoption is not easy, it is not cheap, and it is can be time consuming, but it is worth it. I could not love these three boys anymore if I had given birth to them. I would love to adopt again. If you are unable to adopt think about supporting family can adopt or sponsor an orphan. I know of several missionaries right now who could use a little help, just e-mail me.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27


Blogger Rob, Dana, Murphy and Jack! said...

Love the post. I wholeheartedly agree. It isn't cheap. And it isn't easy. But it is worth it and I couldn't love Murphy any more either.

We still have to figure out what we want to do. When you get home we'll have to start putting our heads together.

Love ya.

5:35 AM, November 04, 2008  
Blogger Toni said...

I have been following your journey to adopt Matthew's two brothers, how great that they can be together
as a family. We adopted our then 2year old son in Aug. 05 from Kazakhstan. Glad you are at the end of your adoption journey, and wishing you a speedy trip home with your two sons.I would like info about sponsoring an orphan if you could email me at Toni

9:40 AM, November 04, 2008  

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