Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It has been a while since I updated on Matthew. He is doing fine. He has become an incredible swimmer this summer. He can't touch in the pool so he has always had to wear a life jacket. He would get so mad because he couldn't go under the water. He looked like a duck with his little tushy sticking out and his face submurged. So I let him take off the life jacket and swim with water wings-you know the blow up things you put on your arms. He did pretty well with those, except him arms are so skinny the water wings would slip off when he jumped into the water. He was still getting frustrated because he couldn't get the diving sticks off the bottom, Jeff would push him down so he could grab them. So I let him take off the water wings when he was in the pool with Jeff (I don't get into the water until it is 90 degrees in the water). He took off! He swims like a pro , dives to the bottom and picks up two or three diving sticks, and can go all over the pool. He does cannon balls, goes down the slide and even swims between Katie and Emma's legs.
He is 40 inches tall now and 30 lbs.

He said a cute thing the other day to my sister Laura who just had a baby. He asked her if she got a baby in her tummy by swallowing it. Makes sense right? I don't think I will tell him yet how the baby really got in there.

We saw two pre-teen boys playing in a driveway, Matthew got excited because he thought it was Alex and Vasya. Hopefully we will hear something soon about our appointment date to go get them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cara, Jeff, and Matthew- Im am so excited!!!!!!! I cried for 20 minutes or more after I read the blog update. I had trouble reading it to your father. Try to get some sleep.. Cant wait to hear how it goes with Vasya!!! All our love and prays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom

12:58 PM, August 29, 2008  

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