Saturday, February 16, 2008

FEBRUARY 16, 2008
Matthew is really excited about letters and numbers right now. I think if I worked with him more he would be reading soon. But I don't want him to end up being one of those really naughy kindergartenders because he already knows what is being taught, plus it is tax season and I am working a lot more hours. He has a word whammer from Leap Frog on the fridge, you put three letters into this magnetic game and if it spells a word it helps you sound it out. He loves it and is constantly trying to make new words. Unfortunately the word whammer only holds three letters and he wants to spell words like truck, Teddy, water, cookie, tractor, snow. He is an expert at spelling mom, cat, and bug.

This morning as I was getting ready for work (yes on a saturday--it is tax season), Matthew and Jeff were getting ready to go outside to play in the snow. Matthew says "Papa it is going to be warm outside today, It is already 10 degrees" Sure enough the atomic clock above our sink said 10 degrees---but that isn't warm. I wonder if he is still in Celcius =).

We have had a lot of snow and very cold temperatures this winter, almost everyone is ready for spring- even Matthew. He has taken to telling anyone who will listen "pretty soon it is going to be warmer-then we won't need our big coat anymore, then it will get warmer and we won't need our little coat anymore, then it get warmer and we can go swimming and boating. What do you think??? Definate case of spring fever?

We are waiting for our approval from the Department of Homeland Security for the adoption. We sent our I-600A (petition to adopt an international orphan) form in on January 1, 2008. We were fingerprinted in Sioux Falls in January and I mailed our homestudy to them a couple of weeks again. Hopefully we will hear something soon. Although now that we are registered there isn't a big rush. (I say that but in the adoption world it is HURRY UP, then wait)...... so we will wait.


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