Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 5
Yesterday (day 5) we just relaxed around the apartment for most of the day-especially after our facilitator hit the roadblock. He left to go back to Kiev to get it cleared up on Monday. Pray that things can be resolved quickly-one way or the other so we are stuck here forever. Matthew spent the day pushing his red truck on the rug and couch in the apartment and watching Land Before Time movies. We went to the orphanage a little after five, Sasha had been waiting for us. We had to play inside because he had taken a bath and they didn't want him catching a cold. We didn't have a translator, but we did alright. The assistant director gave a us a tour of Sasha's living area. It is very nice, extremely clean and you can tell that they definately care for the kids. The assistant director is also Sasha's teacher and caretaker, her name is Valentina. She just adores Sasha and Matthew too. She kept bringing other staff members in to look at the similarities between the two. She got red lipstick in Matthew's hair when she kissed him on the top of the head. We put a puzzle together, Sasha and Matthew drew some pictures then played game boy. He talked to us a little more, I think he understands a lot of english just has difficulty finding the english words to speak, which is where everyone struggles with foreign languages. We left the orphanage and went back to the apartment for frozen pizza-it wasn't bad. We also had canned peaches-much better than what we have in the states. These actually still had the consistancy of peaches and the flavor too. We talked to my mom on skype-very clear and better than using a cell phone. Then went to bed around eleven. Matthew slept until 10:40 this morning, he woke up and told us he was dreaming a lot.

Today we are going to go walking around, find a park to play at and then go visit Sasha at 5.


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