Friday, November 18, 2005

November 18, 2005 Friday

I don't have any interesting news. We are still waiting for a court date, now they are saying towards the end of next week. We continue to spend from 10-12 am and 4-6 pm at the orphanage with Matthew, mostly outdoors. His new thing is to throw himself to the ground when he can't get his way, but we just step over him and ignore him until he is done. When it finally gets dark we go inside to the play area where we spend most of the time chasing Matthew away from the doors. Jeff says no no to him and now whenever I say no Matthew says "No No NO" back at me and laughs. His favorite toy is an old pop bottle which he carries with him continuously.
We have been without hot water in our apartment for 2.5 days, but it was fixed this morning. Each of us took a long hot shower. We are getting very anxious to go home. All of the couples at the orphanage have been to court but us. We had some problems with some paperwork. His mother had written on two documents that she was single and one that she was married. If she was married the parental rights of his father would need to be terminated. But they discovered he was killed in some kind of accident last March. But that took a couple of days to straighten out. We have been eating at McDonald's a lot and we are sick of it. We usually eat supper in the cafeteria which has several things to choose from.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures again! Keep the chin up. Before you know it you will be home with Matthew!! All of the waiting is certainly worth it! We are praying that your court date comes soon.
-- Lee & Brenda

7:26 AM, November 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Norbys, Thanks for sharing so many great pictures. You all look so happy and we sure enjoy seeing you. Love Carrolls

7:29 PM, November 18, 2005  

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