Thursday, September 10, 2009

Geo-caching at a state park. If you haven't been geo-caching, here's a short explanation: Someone (in this case-the state park) hide objects and then we pick up a list of longitudes and
latitudes to use with our GPS. We then go biking through the park until we get close to the location-then hike into the area and try to find the prize. When you find the box, you write your
name on a notebook inside then take a prize and leave a prize for the next person. This time
our prize was a sticker.
It was lots of fun, hopefully we will do it again soon.
You can't see the box in the picture but it is under the log behind the sticks.

Here I am, No one else would go into the long grass and wooded area because they had on shorts, so I found the first prize alone-and tried to take my own picture with it.


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